apanii butterfly

Growing Resilience and Healing Through

Mindful Grieving Yoga Therapy Programs


I’m so glad you’re here.


It is no mystery that we all have grief. We all do in some shape or form, especially now. It’s inevitable and a fact of life. The flipside to the joy coin. The two, grief and gratitude, pain and joy, yin and yang, light and shadow, intricately woven together, dichotomously. Each Grief is a part of life whether we want to greet it or not. Grief comes in many forms. Name it. Pandemic. Relationships. Divorce. Aloneness. Addiction. Suicide. Disease. Death. Loss of a Loved One. Loss of a Pet. Loss of Identity. Parenthood. Depression. Climate Grief. Societal Grief. This list is not exclusive and is in no particular order. While the degrees of grief are profoundly unique and range in depth, we look to dissolve the hierarchal perspective to honor each person. Each form of grief or loss are valid, they matter, and evoke feelings, emotions, and can form obstacles in our lives. Grief can feel absolutely paralyzing and can also be a liberator.

Grief is a remarkable and profound teacher.

Our modern culture has lost touch with the way in which we work with our grieving hearts. And now, as we contemplate the trajectory of our self, culture, and planet, we can come together and work with our truths, our thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, share in circle and witness each other to alchemize, metamorphize, transform ourselves into Love. We can distill our full spectrum experience that is unique to each of us in story, yet share a common thread of humanity as we grieve as one. When we come together this way, sharing ourselves and shining light on our shadows, practicing with self-awareness and authenticity, we have the potential to come out the other side, we can notice our patterns, and recognize the love and freedom that exists in the present moment of our lives. We have the potential to build resilience in community and heal.

It is with this spirit, the spirit of Transformation, the curiosity for evolving, for dreaming onward for ourselves, that we bring you this offering of Apanii.

Apanii. Butterfly. (ah-buh-nee) Let us tether our practice to the beautiful gift of the Blackfeet people, their indigenous word, Apanii, Butterfly, a powerful spiritual symbol for a transformative healing practice. While there is no rush, consider this your invitation to begin.

Embrace your grief, for there your soul will grow.
~Carl Jung

Apanii: (ah-buh-nee)

The Blackfeet word for butterfly. Symbol of Transformation. Bringer of Dreams.

A gift of Indigenous language and tether to the power of nature. May her spirit guide us through transformation with awareness and love.

Through the darkness of the chrysalis, her beauty cracks open to the light, and flies onto her path forward, onward and upward.  

Bringer of Dreams. What are your dreams, your heart, trying to say to you? The whisper within? 

Let us create a circle to share our grief, to listen, to dive into the tender cocoon of our souls and bring forth the beautiful butterfly within, into the light as we explore a mindfulness practice together, transforming our grief into healing.

Awakening through Grief

Yoga Therapy Programs

Growing Peace through your Process. 

Upcoming Offerings

6 Week

Mindful Grieving Circle

Future Dates TBA

We invite you to connect for more information and available resources to support you.


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Join together in community as we support one another in a practice of mindfulness as we explore our journey with grief. Click here to join our mailing list.